ANOTHER post!!
It's hot.
Horridly, horribly, unbearably H.O.T. (aka horrible oppressive temperatures)
I know it's bad for the environment, and I am only contributing to global warming, but I need air conditioning when the humidity is over 80% and the temp is over 90.
My bio bases of behavior mid term went well. Thank GOD for extra credit. Even though I thought the multiple choice and matching would be easiest, I did the best on the diagrams.
Knitting. Still working on the Barn raising Quilt squares. Will upload them to ravlery as soon as i bite the bullet and buy more flickr use. Anyone have a good reason for me NOT to get the pro flickr account?
How perfect is THIS picture for me?
more cat pictures
no wonder I love that site. The cats look like mine, the chair looks like my desk chair, and I have too often seen the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).
Hopefully NEVER when i get to the point of writing a dissertation though.
Hope eveyrone is staying cool. Wish I was going to the Estes Wool Market with my peeps next week!
Hee hee - I thought of you and of Jenny (TwinKnit, who just defended her diss and has 2 black kitties) when I saw that lolcats!
Ugh about the heat. Maybe I'll quit whining about the storms... I'm not sure it's even supposed to hit 80F this week.
Oof. Hear ya on the heat, and the a/c, and the global-warming guilt. And congratulations! on doing well on the exam.
And thanks for explaining BSOD. :-)
Stay cool!
But at least you still have a yarn elf that will pick up yarn for you! It's just a couple more weeks until you get to come to Colorado! Whoo hoo!
Ah, that's what BSOD means. Cute lolcat! Cute as long as it doesn't happen IRL.
I blame myself for the heat out here. It was unseasonably cool until I started knitting my wool cardigan on Friday.
dang gurl, that sounds way too hot. you definitely have to turn on the air for that. See ya soon!
There comes a time when air is a NECESSITY!!
Good luck on writing that thing! Yeah, there is no way I can go without ac in this humidity. It came back full force on Saturday. I think Melody melted in her stroller.
Hope your heat wave breaks soon. Thanks for posting about Cosmo and Danger and their diet. Very useful information! We do a lot of wet food here too, but one of my three is still too used to dry from her shelter.
Glad for you that your exams are over!
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