"I hate waiting."

As you might guess, I'm a bit impatient. I had hoped that picking up a pair of knitting needles would help me learn about the virtue of patience... but it seems I just want my projects to go along as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rocky Mountain High...

I'm actually NOT a John Denver fan, but I'm so happy to be back in Denver. Boston, i'm sure, is a very fun town, and after a few yrs there, I'll feel just as comfortable there. BUT, I had no sense of direction (where were the mountains telling me which way is West?) and it was muggy (even though it rained every day I was there). Everyone there says that the weather this past year has been unseasonably cool (in the summer) and mild this past winter. We'll see.

I met my parents there on Friday. The flight there was a bit of a nightmare, since I had a planned 1 hour layover in NYC that turned into a 7 hour layover. I got into Boston after midnight, instead of 7pm. I took the subway to the hotel, and during the ride there, some kid puked. Disgusting. (aren't you glad I shared?) At least I wasn't sitting next to him.

Since I've joined Stash-A-Long again, I didn't bother to try to visit any of the LYS there. I only brought 2 projects along with me, Madli and the Hill Country Yarn socks. I'll have progress pics on my next entry.

The apartment hunt was arduous. We looked at... around 10 apartments. Some were priced as high as $1800/month! Holy bejeebers! And no, that apt wasn't a house. I settled on a one bed one bath apartment that met all my minimum requirements (accepts cats, close to school, has parking, closet space) and the front door (just about) is one of my school's shuttle stops. Tres convenient, no? On the negative side, it doesn't have hardwood floors or air conditioning or a dishwasher. It's much smaller than the space I'm in now, but that's ok. The biggest negative? It has a PINK (gasp) bathroom. I'm talking 1970s mauveish pink tiles in the tub, floor, and up half the walls. Trimmed with the 1970s baby blue bathroom tile. Gag!!

Any suggestions on how I can try to detract from that type of garishness?


Blogger jen said...

Oh ... too bad for you, everything pink is permanent! I suggest going with a "pink and orange" or "pink and green" theme ... something like that. You can also experiment with painting the tiles, but you'd have to get the landlord's permission first probably. You should check out jetblue flights for boston-denver ... we're leaving tonight, 11:40, arriving tomorrow 5:20, direct flights, and very reasonably priced ($2-300).

6/28/06, 1:59 PM  
Blogger Catherine Kerth said...

oh! pink ;) gees, atleast it will wake ou up ;) sorry your flight was a nightmare, take comfort in knowing it's over!

6/28/06, 2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on finding an apartment. I'm a horrible decorator myself, but maybe you could "play" up the awfulness by embracing pink, everything flamingos. the Ode to Pink room.

Or an Ode to Pepto Bismol room.

6/28/06, 2:35 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Congrats on finding a place to live! Hmm, maybe decorate in a retro theme??

6/28/06, 4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found a place. I'm going to have to brainstorm on what you might do to detract from pink... there's always posters...

6/28/06, 4:51 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

My condolences on the pink bathroom--I know how difficult that will be for you ;) I'm glad you found a place though. I can't help with decorating advice--it's not one of my strong points. Glad your back in town and I hope to see you soon!

6/28/06, 5:47 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Why not think of the the pink as a neutral and put what ever you love (blue and green??) in large quantities. Michelle's poster idea is good.

6/29/06, 9:57 AM  
Blogger Carrie K said...

I'd chime in with the home dec advice except I'm so horrible at it.

So what did you end up paying? Around these parts one bedroom apts start about $800 and go up. And up. And up.

No yarn stores? What if you have an emergency????

6/29/06, 2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has to beone of the funniest posts I've read in a while!! Your dad sounds like a trip!! (My grandfather thought it was funny to pop his dentures out in public and freak me out) ...lol

7/6/06, 2:44 PM  

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