"I hate waiting."

As you might guess, I'm a bit impatient. I had hoped that picking up a pair of knitting needles would help me learn about the virtue of patience... but it seems I just want my projects to go along as quickly as possible.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kitschy Stitchy

Following a busy week of school, I tagged along with some other Boston knitters to cheer Stitchy at another book signing.

In my new Boston naivete, I ascertained through mbta.com that it would take me an hour by bus or by train, and since it was only 4 miles away, that I would drive. Hmm. Bad idea. Driving entailed driving through Harvard U, and horrible traffic on a Friday evening. Who am I to interrupt students on their way out to their bar crawl? I made it to the book signing with elevated blood pressure, but was quickly soothed by laughter from Deb's trunk show. Having other fun bloggers to talk to didn't hurt either. Kelly, Bookish, Maryse, and Carol were there as well. And Stitchy dragged her brother, SIL, and darling niece to the show for us to ooh and aah over.

As for me, i have no real news to report. No real knitting news except I scored some birthday gift yarn for Michelle who's b-day was yesterday. I'm also working furiously on my scarf exchange scarf. Not very exciting to be working on 4x4 ribbing.

However, I'm super excited that both Stacey and Jeni will be here in less than a week. Rhinebeck and Webs, here we come!!! I do have to survive school this week before I can indulge in all the fun though.

Next post: pics of Rhinebeck!!



Blogger Scoutj said...

Make sure and get a picture with Flat Scout okay?

10/15/06, 8:23 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Living vicariously through you, so get lots of pictures!

10/15/06, 9:41 PM  
Blogger WandaWoman said...

Oh, I bet that fun getting to hang out with more knitters in Boston. That really sucks about the traffic though. I guess you'll be driving even less, huh?

10/17/06, 3:08 PM  

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