"I hate waiting."

As you might guess, I'm a bit impatient. I had hoped that picking up a pair of knitting needles would help me learn about the virtue of patience... but it seems I just want my projects to go along as quickly as possible.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

With a Little Help From My Friends...

I've got some pics of a FO!!! I made this QT pie a pair of clogs after finishing his mommy's for her 30th b-day.

Showing off Posted by Hello

Clogs on Posted by Hello

For all I know, he hates them, but he's such a ham for the cameras. But doesn't he look excited to have them? And isn't he CUTE?? EDIT: I guess he wanted to wear them to school today, so I suppose he really does like them. He's been asking for me, which breaks my heart. I wish they lived closer.
His mom's clogs are much bigger, and reversed in color (navy on top, oatmeal on bottom). These would be the clogs I made with Debbie Bliss Soho (pics in some previous post).

Here's a different kind of MEME from bluFelicia's blog. You can check it out on her blog (using button on side bar) too! In the comments section, you recommend to me the three things in A. Then you can leave me three questions for me to answer at my discretion. Last, you put this meme on your blog. Then I'll come over and post in your comment section!

A. First, recommend to me:

1. A movie:
2. A book:
3. A musical artist, song, or album:

B. Ask me three questions, no more, no less. You may ask me anything you want, but I can decline to answer anything which makes me uncomfortable.

C. Copy and paste this in your blog.


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