"I hate waiting."

As you might guess, I'm a bit impatient. I had hoped that picking up a pair of knitting needles would help me learn about the virtue of patience... but it seems I just want my projects to go along as quickly as possible.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

No new knits.

Edit: ok, i noticed i had a similarly titled post just a few weeks ago. My bad. Tee hee. That phrase "my bad" will make me giggle for the next few weeks. The friend that was staying with me, is a lover of bad television. I'm talking Jerry Springer and Maury Povich. He finds it incredulous at how stupid people can be... and I guess on one of these shows, this guy came on to check the paternity of his son. His girl had gone to a party at the time of conception, and woke up in a bed with 3 other men. But was SURE nothing had happened. The guy really wanted this kid to be his, b/c he loved him (awww....). Well, this isn't the Oprah Winfrey show, so of course the kid is NOT biologically his... and he's in tears. He's sobbing his poor heart out after finding out his girl is a whore AND his kid isn't his... and you know what she says to him? (all together now!) "My bad." in a very flippant way.

I sort of apologize for the very long post. I think I'll move the movies to somewhere else to shorten this up. If you really want to see the list, go here. My happy knit news of the weekend is that I finally got accepted to the FiberRAOK webring! Woohoo! Someone (Lu) has already RAOK'd me, with a gc to Adagio Teas. Mmmm... (rubbing hands together in glee).

And, i have to highly recommend a blog to you. If you are easily offended, don't follow the link to Mrs. Gyllenhaal's blog.

Last. No. I have absolutely no knitting news. I have not touched a needle in three days. I'm taking one of my kitties to the vet tomorrow, and will do some knitting in the waiting room.


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