So, I am very lucky to have terrific friends. Really. So take the next part with a bit of salt (or sour grapes, whichever you prefer). Two of my close friends (one of them being my best friend) are miraculously blessed with FANTABULOUS metabolisms. Both of them have DHLS (double hollow leg syndrome). What does this stuff have to do with knitting you ask? I present you with...

that's the greek pullover from Fall IK 05. I'm making it using 4 balls of Rowan Kid Classic. Daring you ask? No. My friend is only 5' and weighs about 87 lbs. Luckily, she's pregnant, so I didn't have to do TOO much math to make a size to fit her. I adjusted some to make it 32" bust, and gave one more increase to the front compared to the back. This sweater has got to be one of the quickest knits ever (in that size).
Next up:

SOCK DOWN SOCK DOWN!! I've finally finished ONE sock for sockpal2za. Here's hoping that SSS isn't horrible b/c I've only got 2 weeks to churn out it's identical mate.
here's the promised yarn porn:

Here we've got the blue patagonia fleece (2 skeins), and the blue sky alpaca in a luscious chocolaty brown/dark dark maroon color (4 skeins). On the right, there's 2 skeins of lorna's laces shepard sock and 2 addi turbo needles. All the yarn in these last two pics were 60% off, and the needles were 20% off. My partner in crime had TWO bags of yarn, but is more generous than myself. She bought 6 skeins for a friend, and 5 skeins for her mom. I'm too selfish when I hit a 60% off yarn sale to be thinking of other people.
In other news (i know, there's news besides knitting and yarn?) in my life, I met with my mentor at school on Tuesday to talk about my chances at getting into a PhD program... and she says she can't imagine why I wouldn't get in. I know I'll have kick ass recommendations (is it obnoxious to admit most of my professors love me?), and she says my GRE scores are terrific. I'm not too ashamed to admit that my transcript couldn't really be much better, so I'm pretty positive about my chances of getting into a program. Will I get into the ONE I really want? over 200 apps a year. 4 slots. Hmmm.