You've gotta be f***iing me. I just wrote a huge post and blogger ate it. Gobbled it and wouldn't spit it back out. Here's the shorter rendition.
I wanted to title the post "Cosmo and the Clap" but I figured it would attract too many people worrying about STDs. Wait, they're not called STDs anymore, are they?
Here's the pic of my baby with my clap. He wouldn't move out of the way, so I just took the pic with him standing on it. For size reference, he's quite the large kitty. Probably weighs around 14 lbs by now, and 18 inches from the base of the neck to the base of his tail. Eleven stitches dropped, and i love the pattern. i can finally knit w/o staring at the pattern.
cosmo and the clap
I think I love this yarn. I love the colors. I even like it when it pools a little bit. The blues and camoflauge green keep it quiet enough so that the bright turquoise green doesn't make my eyes hurt.
close up clap
The next two are pics of the lantern moon needle bag. Lantern moon sure does make a purty bag. Plus, it's practical. I love practical when it's mixed with purty. It's NOT pink. It's a light lavender. Looks smashing against my precious.
open needle bag
needle bag
My precious. I'd give a link to the manufacturer, b/c it's similarly priced to the Jordanna Paige bags, but there's no manufacturer's tag. As I mentioned before, i bought the bag is LA at L'Atelier. I have a link to the store in a previous post, so if anyone really wants it.... The bag is a great size. Big enough for a couple knit projects, a text book, and my smallish sized purse.
new knit bag
The last pic is of my gorgeous best friend on her 30th B-day. We were having a nice dinner on Hermosa Beach with the family. She knits to relieve stress, so she likes patterns she doesn't have to think about too much (no lace, no yarnovers, and no increasing or decreasing). What does that leave? Scarves.
Best friend